Posts tagged “JW Marriott

Super Bowl Excitement (a month late)

Being on time for things has never been my forte…

A little over a month ago, things got very exciting here in Indianapolis when the Super Bowl came to town.  Being a big fan of football, I loved joining in the fun and had a great time seeing the Super Bowl festivities.  These pictures are nothing special photographically (am I using that word correctly?) due to my camera’s struggles with low-light, but I thought it would be fun to share these shots anyway to give you a taste of the fun that was had here.

They made 33 NFL Indy Cars. In true Mansell style, I tracked down the Steelers car and went to get pictures of it. It was the least I could do since Dad was too far away to do it himself. 🙂

My blog cameo... the car and me. 🙂

Everywhere you turned, there was something about the big game.

It's always fun to see what theme the IPL building comes up with for their lights.

Monument Circle was hoppin'!

I think Indy is a pretty great city.

There was so much to see...

They took the Hampton Inn and changed the name to the Bud Light Hotel... with some added light action on the side.

Roman numerals everywhere!

They took the Indians ballpark and built an insulated sand football field on it for a big party.

Where it all happened...

Capitol Avenue and the zipline (Sadly, I didn't get to ride on it.)

This decoration was pretty fitting for the hotel since it was pretty much built because of the big game.

and on the walk back to the car- my favorite walkway by the capitol building.