Coming Soon: Cambodia Through My Lens

Greetings from Cambodia!

My Internet/computer access is very limited right now, but I wanted to check in and say hello.

I’m having a fantastic experience and can’t wait to share pictures from my time here when I return. Some things I’ve learned in my time here include:

-Cambodia is hotter than all get-out… seriously, Indiana has nothing on Cambodia when it comes to the heat/humidity factor.

-it reminds me a lot of parts of Thailand, but it’s also very unique. (a popular quote here fits well: “same same, but different”)

-I wish I could capture the sounds, smells, and tastes in addition to the photos I’m taking.


Here are some highlights I look forward to sharing pics from:

-Angkor Wat temples

-getting a fish foot massage

-Center for Global Impact’s training restaurant The Green Mango Cafe & Bakery in Battambang

-a Killing Cave where 10,000 Khmer Rouge killings took place on top of a mountain

-an acrobat circus training school show

-my visit to the morning market with a lovely Khmer woman from the restaurant this morning

I hope you’re having a great summer.  I’ll try to check in again soon!

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